to Drive User Activation

Project Manager & Lead Designer, Vision, Strategy, UX Design, Establishing Cross-Functional Collaboration, Workshops Facilitator

C-level, Director, VP, PM, DM, PD, UID, FE DEV, BE DEV, DA, QA

Workshops, Research and Data Analysis, Research Script, Surveys, UI Design for research, Roadmap, Customer Journey Map


Brainly is a global platform connecting students with peers, experts, and educational resources. It has 350+ million users and offers Brainly Tutoring premium features for live online study support from experts, aiding students worldwide.


Tutoring service was struggling to reach its full potential, with low conversion rates from trial users to paying subscribers and low engagement among existing subscribers. We needed to find a way to unlock the value of our service and attract more students who could benefit from personalized tutoring.

PROACTIVE LEADERSHIP IN THE FACE OF CHALLENGE: Navigating a Complex Project without a Product Manager

Stepping up in the absence of a product manager, I spearheaded a multifaceted project, leading the charge from gathering insights and coordinating research to facilitating workshops, managing and contributing to streams outcomes, and resolving internal issues. Cross-team collaboration and communication were paramount to the project's success, which I ensured through regular syncs, company-wide presentations, and bi-weekly stakeholder meetings.

A Comprehensive Research Approach to Identifying Tutoring Challenges

We conducted a comprehensive survey and user research sessions to understand why students were not using the tutoring feature.

On the qualitative front, we engaged in user research sessions with students to gain deeper insights into their understanding of the tutoring feature, their ease of navigation, and their actual usage patterns. These insights shed light on usability issues that were preventing students from fully utilizing the feature and identified specific moments when students were most likely to consider using tutoring services.

Quantitatively, we conducted a comprehensive survey to gauge the reasons behind student cancellations and their perceptions of the tutoring feature. This data provided valuable insights into the overall sentiment towards tutoring and the specific aspects that were driving user dissatisfaction.

By combining these quantitative and qualitative data sources, we were able to paint a holistic picture of the student experience and identify the key areas for improvement. This approach not only validated our initial hypotheses but also revealed additional factors that were contributing to the low engagement with tutoring services.


  • Poor Discovery: Tutoring was hidden within the customer journey, making it difficult for unlogged and basic users to discover its existence. They were only exposed to more comprehensive information after upgrading to Brainly Plus.

  • Inability to Address Time-Sensitive Needs: Tutoring wasn't explicitly positioned to address users' immediate learning needs, such as time-sensitive situations or the absence of high-quality answers.

  • ​​Confusing Product Naming: The term "Tutoring" doesn't accurately reflect the product's true nature. Users associated it with long sessions with tutors, leading to disappointment and churn when they realized the service was more focused on targeted one-question-and-answer assistance.

  • Lack of Clear Explanation: Users lacked detailed information about what tutoring is, how it works, and its benefits. This lack of context contributed to the low conversion rate from interested users to active tutoring sessions.

  • Unclear Distinction from Brainly Plus: The different subscription plan names, "Brainly Plus" and "Brainly Tutor," created a perception that tutoring was an entirely separate product rather than an add-on feature within the existing Brainly platform.

Defining Goals to Drive Tutoring Adoption

1. Increase conversion to trial

We aimed to attract more users to try the tutoring service by making it more discoverable and introducing it earlier in the customer journey.

2. Enhance activation rate

Once users subscribed to the tutoring service, we wanted to ensure they used it by making it more intuitive and providing clear instructions

3. Improve overall user retention

By addressing the issues that led to low conversion and usage rates, we aimed to retain more users and maximize the value of the tutoring service for both the company and its users.


  1. Establishing Alignment and Setting the Course

Given the project's complexity and its intersection with various customer journey touchpoints, it was crucial to initiate a stakeholder alignment workshop involving directors and managers across the company. The primary objectives of this workshop were to:

  • Align knowledge base: Establish a shared understanding of the project's goals, challenges, and the specific actions needed to achieve meaningful results.

  • Reach consensus on scope and approach: Gather input from key stakeholders across different teams to determine the project's scope and the most effective approach for addressing the identified challenges.

  • Identify risks and dependencies: Proactively address potential roadblocks and dependencies that may arise during the project to mitigate their impact and ensure smooth progress.

  • Determine team structure and next steps: Collaboratively decide on the optimal team composition, responsibilities, and the immediate next steps to propel the project forward.

2. Dividing the Task into Parallel Streams for Rapid Implementation

We agreed that the task needs to be split into smaller areas that will be tackled in parallel with help from different teams to ensure quick delivery:

Tutoring - Value & Communication

Focused on refining the messaging and terminology used for tutoring to align with user expectations and communicate its value effectively.

Feature Visibility & Contextual Integration

Focused on improving the visibility of the tutoring service throughout the platform, making it easier for users to find and understand its benefits

Enhanced Monetization Model

Focused on redesigning the pricing structure and subscription model to better align with user needs and generate greater revenue.

3. Project Roadmap

To streamline the project's trajectory, I compiled a summary of previous meetings and proposed a roadmap for each stream, which was then reviewed and approved by stakeholders. This process solidified the project's scope, task ownership, deadlines, communication channels, and paved the way for seamless execution.

Miro board from Roadmap meeting

4. Fostering Collaborative Dialogue

I conducted bi-weekly alignment meetings with stakeholders across the company to ensure everyone was on the same page and address any emerging issues promptly. These meetings were crucial for maintaining momentum and ensuring a consistent approach across teams.

Example Miro board from one of aligment meetings

Enhancing Value, Visibility, and Monetization - Stream's Output and Wins

  • Tutoring - Value & Communication:

    3x bigger activation
    By creating and implementing new communication guidelines so users understand what Tutoring - now Live Expert Answer is.

  • Feature Visibility & Contextual Integration:

    Conversion to trial grows by 30 %
    By contextually integrating the product and raising visibility and awareness among users.

  • Enhanced Monetization Model:

    Increased the product’s revenue by 70% By introducing new subscription tiers for users to better adjust to their needs.

Insights for Future Endeavors

This project demonstrated the power of user-centered design and cross-functional collaboration in driving significant improvements in product adoption and business outcomes. I am proud to have played a key role in this endeavor and to have contributed to Brainly's continued success.

Throughout this project, we gained valuable insights that will inform future endeavors:

  • Clear and consistent communication is crucial for ensuring that users understand the value proposition and benefits of a product.

  • User research plays a pivotal role in identifying user needs, pain points, and expectations, enabling the development of products that truly resonate with the target audience.

  • Cross-functional collaboration is essential for overcoming silos and achieving success in complex projects.

  • Flexibility and adaptability are invaluable qualities in a dynamic and ever-evolving environment.